Does dread wax glue hair in place and prevent dreading? |
How did you make your dreads Jonny Clean? |
My new dreads are flat! How can I fix'em? |
Can I fix my new-ish dreads with your products? |
Can I save dreads started by a salon? |
How long does my hair have to be to dread? |
Dreadlocks with thinning hair or hair loss |
How much shorter will my hair be when I dread it? |
How long will it take for dreads to dread "completely"? |
A note to Employers - Dreadlocks in the Workplace |
Will sports or sweating effect my dreadlocks? |
A Note to Parents about Dreadlocks |
Surfing and Swimming in the Ocean with Dreads |
How can I tighten loose hair on the tips on my dreadlocks? |
How long do dreadlocks last? |
I have really thick or thin hair will it be hard to get it to dread? |
Dude my dreads are loose or FALLING APART *HELP!!* |
Can you dye or bleach dreads? |
What are residues? |
Will wearing a helmet hurt my dreads? |
What about swimming with dreads? |