Name: Connor
Dreadlocks Age: 3 week old dreads
How did you start your dreads?: A mix of DreadHead methods & some products

Name: Amber
Dreadlocks Age: My dreads are 1 ?
How did you start your dreads?: DreadHeadHQ methods & Products

Dreadlocks Age:
1 1/2 month old dreads

Name: Jackie
Dreadlocks Age: 2 weeks
How did you start your dreads?: Some of DreadHeadHQ methods & Products

Name: Chris
Dreadlocks Age: 3 years
How did you start your dreads?: A mix of DreadHead methods & some products

Name: Rachel
Dreadlocks Age: 1 year, 5 months old
How did you start your dreads?: A mix of DreadHead methods & some products

Name: Amanda
Dreadlocks Age: 3 days
"Loving my new do! Dreadheadhq has been the best, most helpful place to find info about about the process of making and careing for my dread babies."