DreadHeadHQ Customer Dreadlocks Pictures Gallery 3

Connor's Dreadlocks

Name: Connor

Dreadlocks Age: 3 week old dreads

How did you start your dreads?: A mix of DreadHead methods & some products

Amber's dreadlocks

Name: Amber

Dreadlocks Age: My dreads are 1 ?

How did you start your dreads?: DreadHeadHQ methods & Products

Dreadlocks Age: 
1 1/2 month old dreads

Jackie's Dreadlocks

Name: Jackie

Dreadlocks Age: 2 weeks

How did you start your dreads?: Some of DreadHeadHQ methods & Products

Chris's Dreadlocks

Name: Chris

Dreadlocks Age: 3 years

How did you start your dreads?: A mix of DreadHead methods & some products

Rachel's Dreadlocks

Name: Rachel

Dreadlocks Age: 1 year,  5 months old

How did you start your dreads?: A mix of DreadHead methods & some products


Amanda's Dreadlocks

Name: Amanda

Dreadlocks Age: 3 days

"Loving my new do! Dreadheadhq has been the best, most helpful place to find info about about the process of making and careing for my dread babies."




We would love to see pictures of your dreadlocks too!