DreadHeadHQ Products Guarantee
Thousands of people have had amazing results using our products and methods and we have no doubt that you too will experience the same. Every one of our kit's that displays the "Your hair will Rock" guarantee, is 100% Guaranteed to lock your hair when the products are all used according to the instructions on our site.
It's no secret that dreads are not "instant", they require work and patience. So how can we guarantee that you'll do the work? We can't, that part is up to you, but we can check up on your progress and help you out if you need it. Most people have dreads that they adore after about 90 days, if they don't it's usually because of a simple oversight like improper maintenance or a poor start. So what we do is have you check in with us and send us a picture of your dreads right after you start them and then again after 90 days if you have doubts about their progress.
We will gather info from you about your maintenance routine and recommend any changes you might need to make. Then, if after an additional 60 days of corrective maintenance, they are still not locking we will refund all your money, even up to $6.00 in basic shipping! Check out the Terms of our Guarantee for directions on how to receive your guarantee number and check in with us about the progress of your dreads.
Terms of the Guarantee
The terms of our guarantee enable us to keep track of the progress of your dreads so that we can better advise if advice is needed. They also prevent someone from changing their mind and pretending to "do the work" while we pull out our dreads trying to figure out why their hair didn't lock.
- You must only use our products on your dreads. If you feel the need to use something else please ask us in advance.
- You must maintain your dreads in a manner consistent with what we have instructed and recommended on this site.
- You must get a guarantee number and update us as to the progress of your dreads as explained on the guarantee instructions page.